Mr. Heise
Preparing for Takeoff
We’re in full swing of the semester and beginning to encounter the real substance of courses. This week in humanities, we conclude the reading of our first novel, Bruchac’s Pocahontas. This will be the topic of our first proper “critical essay” and the beginning of an intensified focus on style, grammar and revision and editing. We sought advice for writing concise, strong prose from Strunk and White’s Elements of Style and Garner’s American Usage.
In geometry, we’re returning to the fundamentals and practicing algebraic rearrangement and systems of equations. The geometry we’re learning is growing more complicated and will soon require a very solid foundation in these skills.
Latin students have completed the first few chapters of the information-packed Familia Romana and as a treat we watched Rick Steves’ Rome to give us a clearer picture of the landscape background of many of the stories we’re reading and their modern legacy.